- 在线编辑,保存到服务器。
- 创建数据源,为用户提供占位符
这里说的保存是指保存到了only office服务器,而我们需要的是保存到上一步中document.url中指向的地址,也就是minio服务器。
在页面刚打开时only office就会调用这个callbackUrl
不同的状态下调用callbackUrl会以josn格式提交不同的参数,详细参数参考【Callback param】
在status=2或3时,可以获取url也就是更新后的文档的 url,可以从这个url下载最新文档,然后提交到minio服务器
1 - document is being edited,
2 - document is ready for saving,
3 - document saving error has occurred,
4 - document is closed with no changes,
6 - document is being edited, but the current document state is saved,
7 - error has occurred while force saving the document.
Status 1 is received every user connection to or disconnection from
document co-editing. His callbackUrl is used.
Status 2 (3) is received 10 seconds after the document is closed for
editing with the identifier of the user who was the last to send the
changes to the document editing service. The callbackUrl from the user
who made the last changes to the file is used.
Status 4 is received after the document is closed for editing with no
changes by the last user. His callbackUrl is used.
Status 6 (7) is received when the force saving request is performed.
The callbackUrl from the user who made the last changes to the file is
DataRow param = DataRow.parseJon(WebUtil.read(HttpServletRequest)); int status = param.getInt("status",0); String cache_url = tmp.getString("url"); //编辑后文件地址 //http://onlyoffice服务地址/cache/files/data/13be3b24761275750c95_6269/output.docx/output.docx?md5=Mb91G18BYA8-ciPyjqrmiA&expires=1694653054&filename=output.docx if(status==2 || status== 3){ if(BasicUtil.isNotEmpty(cache_url)){ MinioUtil util = MinioUtil.getInstance(); //如果有需要,可以下载到服务器本地 File newFile = new File(BasicUtil.getRandomLowerString(16)); HttpUtil.download(cache_url, newFile); util.putObject(minio_path, newFile); newFile.delete(); //一般不需要直接上传到minio服务器即可 util.putObject(minio_path, HttpUtil.stream(cache_url).getInputStream()); } }这样就实现了文档的在线预览和编辑,下一步进入业务逻辑【数据源与占位符】